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Keith’s weekly property news September 26-2021

By in Keith's Zoom News with 0 Comments

Keith’s weekly property news September 26-2021

Another zippy week in the Bullpen, with lots of movement on all fronts including in the direction of the Turkish Lira which broke all time lows and ended up at 8.88 to finish the week, thanks to a rate cut by the CB. Once again, Turkish assets are on sale again. It is good news, but it must always be mentioned that this does little for our bargaining power with Turkish sellers who are ever-conscious of the USD level.

Very light on notes again this week, folks. Hope to elaborate on market in the zoom session.

I will start the evening off with a controversial one. Wonderful views and permission to build an amazing terrace on top. Will discuss further in the meeting. Price is too high, but…

Property links distributed during weekly zoom session

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My Bricks Istanbul is solely involved in the business of international real estate. My Bricks have over 13 years experience in negotiation, purchase, renovation, development of Istanbul property. My Bricks’s investment approach is opportunity-led as opposed to investment- led. When the property is fully researched and well sourced, only then will we suggest to clients.

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