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Keith’s Zoom News

This category for showing and sharing Keith’s weekly property news that are shown to Istanbul property investors especially in Sisli…During ZOOM meeting.

Keith’s Zoom Session 17-March-2024

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Keith’s Zoom Session 17-March-2024 As we lumber towards spring, the real estate market shows no signs of taking a clear direction, with some data seeming to suggest a recovery of sorts, pointing to 17% increase in sales from same period of February last year. Alas, as with much data, you have to handle with care. […]

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Keith’s Weekly Property News November-12-2023

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Keith’s Weekly Property News November-12-2023 Even though the Indian Summer continues well into November here in Turkiye, on the property front it is beginning to feel distinctly frosty, maybe even winter-like. As noted in several past zoom notes, transaction numbers for many months back to back are markedly off pace from last year. Where transaction […]

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Keith’s Weekly Property News October-29-2023

By in Keith's Zoom News with 1 Comment


Keith’s Weekly Property News October-29-2023 Due to a sudden influx of last minute CBI-ers I will keep it light again this week. So, let’s start off with the CBI program. There certainly has been increased “chatter” about possible changes or abolishment. As always, I really dislike speculation, and I certainly have heard nothing official. However, […]

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Keith’s weekly property news October 15-2023

By in Keith's Zoom News with 1 Comment


Keith’s weekly property news October 15-2023 Sales figures were down 16% in September from last year. That is several months with this continued trend and likely more to come, without much doubt. Secondary cities such as Izmir and Kocaeli, and probably a few others, showed pretty robust numbers in spite of the general downturn. As […]

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