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Keith’s Zoom News

This category for showing and sharing Keith’s weekly property news that are shown to Istanbul property investors especially in Sisli…During ZOOM meeting.

Keith’s weekly property news November 28-2021

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Keith’s weekly property news November 28-2021 As had been anticipated, this was a very choppy week on the market again, with the Lira continuing on its chaotic journey into unknown lands. In the battle between, fight, flight and freeze, it seems that ‘freeze’ won out and the progress seemed sclerotic. Of course, that should come […]

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Keith’s weekly property news November 14-2021

By in Keith's Zoom News with 0 Comments


Keith’s weekly property news November 14-2021 Even compared to challenges in the past weeks, this week was hands-down the most arduous week for sourcing properties in the secondary market. Every single factor seemed to lean towards a poor deal making environment; super slow execution of valuation reports, the USD cracked the psychological barrier of 10, […]

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